Grand Canyon University Serves the 军事 Community

与荣誉, Grand Canyon University (GCU) proudly serves 军事 service members, 退伍军人, Department of Defense personnel and their dependents. 军队生活的要求,加上部署和不规律的日程安排,可能会使学校变得复杂. 除了传统的校园课程,GCU还提供灵活的在线和夜间利记.


Button to play video: GCU Celebrates Your 军事 Service

军事 学费 Assistance and Costs

陆军,陆军国民警卫队,海军,海军陆战队,空军和海岸警卫队的合格成员可以使用 军事 TA benefits 在GCU部件. 我们还为现役军人和他们的配偶提供每学分的特殊军事费率, 此外还有其他军人及其家属的奖学金.

Benefits Processing

GCU遵循军事政策和流程的学费援助(TA)计划和其他军事福利. 和你的军事大学辅导员谈谈,开始你的福利程序. 呼叫 855 - gcu部件-洛佩 for more information.

Dedicated 军事 Division

GCU offers dedicated advisors and 军事 benefit liaisons 谁可以帮助你学习如何使用你的福利来获得GCU的学位. Explore your benefits and learn the steps to apply.

对于现役军人和退伍军人来说,选择合适的大学可能是一项艰巨的任务. GCU旨在为您的研究提供清晰简洁的信息. 完成 College Financing Plan 估算在GCU实现学业目标所需的财务投入.


See 军事 奖学金

FAQs for 军事 and 经验丰富的 Students

军事学生(现役,现役预备役,现役警卫)与TA有资格 special 军事 cost per credit hour in our GCU online and evening programs. This rate also applies to spouses of active service members. 除了, GCU免除这些学生的学习管理系统费用和Canyon Connect费用, 包括配偶. 


是的! GCU很自豪能够作为一个军事友好机构为军事社区服务. 在确定可转移性时,我们遵循美国教育委员会的指导方针. GCU提供 complimentary pre-evaluation of the service member's Joint Service Transcript. 我们还为空军服务人员提供免费的航空大学学分预评估. This is in addition to evaluating any other 大学学分 earned.

To start your path toward a degree as a student veteran, contact GCU at 855 - gcu部件-洛佩 and ask to speak with a 军事 counselor. For questions on 军事 benefits and tuition visit our 军事 学费 Assistance 页面.

Is GCU a Yellow Ribbon school? GCU is a Yellow Ribbon school. This allows GCU to provide agreed upon VA 教育 benefits. For more about the Yellow Ribbon program, visit our VA College Benefits 页面.

是的, GCU是一所对军人友好的学校,为现役军人以及退伍军人及其家属提供许多福利.

Soldier looks to his left while in line

Benefits Rank High Among 军事 Students

GCU offers degree programs in a variety of fields, such as accounting, 业务, 咨询, 司法研究, 教育, 领导, 护理及其他. We understand you need convenience and balance. We offer a large variety of 在线课程 to support your path toward higher 教育.

With small classes taught by industry experts and rigorous curricula, we prepare you to become innovative thinkers, effective communicators, global contributors and transformative leaders. For questions about enrollment or benefits, 拨打855 - gcu部件-洛佩,并要求与大学军事部门通话. GCU还为军事社区的成员提供以下福利:

A Dedicated 军事 Team

从指导您完成注册流程到协助提供福利, we are honored to serve you. 我们专门的军事大学团队为军人学生和他们的家人提供知识资源.

Flexible Academic Residency

从另一所大学或军队转学分来帮助你获得学位. 完成GCU本科课程的30个学分,以满足我们的居住要求. GCU不要求这30个学分是你学位的最后30个学分.

Credit for 军事 Training and Non-Traditional Learning

GCU支持关于为服务于服务成员的教育机构建立卓越原则的行政命令, 退伍军人, Spouses and Other Family Members, 并遵循美国教育委员会(ACE)在授予军事经验学分方面的指导方针.

Transfer 军事 Credits

军事 members and 退伍军人 may have earned 大学学分 through 军事 training and experiences. 联系你的军事大学辅导员,帮助你确定如何将你的经验转移到你的GCU利记.

军事 Benefit Forms

有资格获得在线军事学费奖学金的学生必须在录取过程中填写并提交适当的谅解备忘录(MOU). 联系 your 军事 university counselor at 855 - gcu部件-洛佩 to obtain a copy of the MOU.

军事 students in formation, students smiling

Lopes Unofficial Credit Evaluation

申请免费学位可以节省时间和金钱 Lopes Unofficial Credit Evaluation. 在GCU部件, 军校学生可以从训练中转60个学分(最多30个军事学分), plus 30 alternative transfer credits), as well as approved certificates or national exams.


For online and evening cohort programs only, 现役军人配偶可享受免学费专项奖学金(奖学金与专项奖学金不得合并)。. 呼叫 855 - gcu部件-洛佩 与大学辅导员交谈,了解更多关于这个机会的信息.

GCU Student 参加后备役军官训练军团 representatives welcoming new students

GCU 退伍军人 Center

Small USA flags representing 退伍军人

GCU's 退伍军人 Center provides resident, 通勤和在线军事学生为退伍军人量身定制的个性化援助. 退伍军人中心是GCU退伍军人学生及其家人交流和学习的中心. 校园中心配备了退伍军人资源协调员,他可以帮助你解决有关军事教育福利的问题或担忧. You will also have access to Wi-Fi. 我们的目标是将您与您需要的资源联系起来,以实现您的学术目标. Explore our 退伍军人 Center to learn more.

1 此奖学金将在学费发生的同时申请. 你必须满足大学政策手册中规定的在整个课程中保持令人满意的学术进步的最低要求, and maintaining eligibility for your 军事 教育al benefit. 该奖学金仅适用于美国武装部队的退伍军人和退伍军人配偶或依赖VA教育福利的儿童,并提交完整的申请. This scholarship excludes MDiv programs.
