


利记 (GCU) is a private Christian university strongly committed to guiding students to become socially responsible, compassionate servant leaders by making an enduring impact on their local, 国家和国际社会.

GCU offers students, staff and alumni an array of volunteer opportunities. 我们的 community outreach and ministry programs provide training and guidance so you can use your unique talents to serve the Kingdom of God.

的 time that I volunteered for 人类家园 was one of my favorite memories of my time at GCU. A bunch of us students walked over to a neighborhood across the street and the people were so excited to see us, 知道我们要帮他们装修房子.

约翰娜·冈萨雷斯, 金融学和经济学理学学士,2022级


2015年,GCU创新成立 五点计划 to help revitalize its West Phoenix neighborhood in partnership with private and public entities as well as the hands of our students. 你在GCU的时候, you can become part of the plan by volunteering your time and service for our campus neighbors.


I picked GCU because the light that the campus shines on the city of Phoenix is unlike any other university.

Jayce Candrea, 工商管理理学士,2022届
点击播放视频:2022年捐赠日- CityServe

Learn about GCU部件CityServe and how your financial support through donations and sponsorships help transform communities throughout Arizona.

播放视频按钮:赠送日2022 - L.O.P.E.S. 学院

当你捐赠给L.O.P.E.S. 学院, you help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities flourish through their development of academic, 社交和工作技能.


神有没有呼召你去服事那些脆弱的人, 处于危险之中,需要你的同情和支持? GCU offers local and global community outreach programs to answer his call.

GCU has partnered with CityServe and its network of faith-based nonprofits, 零售商, 农民和粮食供应商支持有需要的家庭. 他们一共分发了10多美元.1 million in household goods to nearly 27,000 local families as of August 2023.

This ministry is truly a full campus movement inclusive of all the colleges and various departments. GCU staff and students are encouraged to look for volunteer opportunities close to their heart.

L.O.P.E.S. 学院 is a postsecondary program specifically designed for the neurodiverse population who may not have realized a university experience or workforce possibilities. L.O.P.E.S. stands for Learning Opportunities for Participation and Engagement in School. L的任务.O.P.E.S. 学院 is to provide an immersive Christian university experience for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities focused on finding personal purpose through academic, 社会和工作技能的发展.

L.O.P.E.S. 学院与利记合作 人文社会科学学院 提供非贷款, 与学位, two-year program that includes a semester-long internship with a goal of employment.

通过GCU部件的 灵命部, there are many opportunities for students to serve others and demonstrate the love of Christ. Ministries are student-led and happen throughout the week each school year to reach local and global communities.


More than 19 different ministries serving local populations that include:

  • 寄养和集体之家的儿童和青少年
  • 无家可归的人
  • 上了年纪的
  • 那些即将出狱的人

GCU与 人类家园 为日常服务项目和主办两个年度活动称为 爱去本地该公司帮助邻居进行房屋维修和景观美化项目.


的re are 12 ministry programs that strive to provide transformative experiences — both for the students and the people they serve. 这些项目为难民提供服务, bring awareness and advocacy efforts to students regarding global needs and crisis support, and can equip students to participate in short-term mission trips across the globe.

GCU’s student outreach collaborates with behavioral health partners in the area to provide innovative support programs that help foster human flourishing. 改变生活外展的机会包括:

  • 合作学校的K-12社会情感支持
  • 社区对当地企业和组织的支持
  • GCU校园内的点对点支持

每年十月GCU 荣誉学院 支持150多名志愿者进行规划, coordinate and execute a wide range of service projects and programs throughout the local community. 的 purpose is to canvas the community and show love and support for our neighbors, 当地的非营利组织和所有需要帮助的人.




你对教育有热情,对教学有天赋吗? Consider volunteering at local schools or at the GCU学习休息室, serving K-12 students.

我们的 GCU学习休息室 has resources to help K-12 students with their toughest subjects by offering complimentary small-group or one-on-one tutoring.

K12教育发展 supports public district and charter schools, 基督教学校, homeschool groups and educational organizations through alliance programs. GCU and GCE staff are encouraged to participate in the Allocate to Elevate program that directs state tax dollars to schools. 除了, employees are able to use community service time to volunteer at alliance participant schools.

扫盲之爱 is an outreach program and committee sponsored by GCU's 教育学院 that encourages children in neighboring schools to read and develop a passion for books.

COE The Lopes的扫盲 committee maintains a YouTube channel featuring local and prominent authors and influential texts. 可供教育工作者使用的视频包括对作者的采访, 大声朗读和使用著名文学作品的教学标准提示. 扫盲之爱 also maintains a commitment to fostering a love for reading and literature in students of all ages by participating in local outreach, 比如家庭阅读之夜和为当地学校举办的图书活动.


As of April 2022, the number of student visits to the Learning Lounge since 2013


1 Service hours and repairs contributed by GCU and its partners between January 2015 and January 2023.
