

Grand Canyon University offers on-campus and online dual enrollment classes as an affordable and efficient way for high school and homeschooled students to gain a head start on their college degree. GCU是一所基督教大学,优先通过基督徒教育我们的学生 worldview lens, providing them the opportunity to grow closer to God while implementing Christian principles as they complete their courses. 由于我们可以轻松地将信用转移到GCU, earning college credit can provide you with college-level academic knowledge and skills while still in high school and an accelerated college pathway that may reduce time to graduation.

To contact a dual enrollment counselor about registering for or learning more about dual enrollment courses, fill out the form on this page.

“我在高中三年级和四年级时通过GCU进行了双招生, so I had 28 credits upon graduation."

Andrew Wagenknechet 人文社会科学学院2022级

Program Overview

GCU offers dual enrollment courses in a convenient and cost-affordable format that fits your schedule. 有自定义队列和在线课程选项, 在高中学习双招生课程可能比以往任何时候都容易.

Dual Enrollment Qualifications


  • High school sophomores with an unweighted GPA of 3.25 or above
  • High school juniors and seniors with an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or above

所有学生都必须遵守GCU的课程先决条件和课程政策, which may include online placement tests. Please see the University Policy Handbook for more information.

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Program Benefits

Gain Valuable College Experiences

GCU’s dual enrollment programs provide the same level of instruction and academic rigor as one would expect in a traditional college setting. This can help prepare you for when you enter college and reach the next academic level of study.

Our students are also taught course materials that are instilled with a Christian worldview in mind. 这意味着鼓励学生在完成课程后加深他们的信仰, 利用他们的知识为改善人类和解决世界的需求而努力.

courses offered

Potentially Faster Graduation

Those who take advantage of dual enrollment courses offered by GCU may be able to get into their area of study faster once they reach college. Over 91% of 2022 traditional campus graduates spent less than four years at GCU to complete their degrees.

Tuition Savings on Credits

从长远来看,GCU的双招生课程为节省成本提供了机会. All courses are $52.50 per credit and you can take dual enrollment classes in high school to potentially earn up to 60 college credits.1

Easy Registration Process

GCU双招生计划的完整注册过程 typically takes 10 days. 在专门从事双招生的大学辅导员的指导下,你可以创建一个 individualized pathway toward your intended area of study. 你必须直接联系你的辅导员完成注册过程.

Program Locations

Courses Online

Course Length: 7 or 15 weeks

GCU’s learning management system, Halo, 是否有允许在线双注册学生进行网络交流的互动论坛, interact and collaborate with their peers and professors while completing projects and assignments.

Courses at High Schools

Course Length: Varies

Students who attend participating Arizona high schools can take a variety of dual enrollment courses at their high school. 请咨询你的高中辅导员关于可能的GCU学分提供的信息.

Courses on Campus

Course Length: 15 weeks

双招生课程在传统学期提供. You can attend lectures and labs in person on GCU's main campus where you can experience student life firsthand.

Brunette female teacher in a dark red silk blouse leans over shoulder of a group of high school students using black laptops

Custom Cohorts for Co-Ops

Course Length: 15 weeks

High schools and homeschool co-ops can create a custom 15-week online cohort modality program to give you a head start on earning your college degree, 而不是我们标准的7周在线课程. This allows students to get familiar with the academic rigor of college coursework while still in the comfort of semester-based classes.

You can work directly with GCU’s dual enrollment team to create a custom cohort program based on your desired courses, 开学日期和课程期间学校需要的任何特定休息时间(例如, spring break or a mission trip).

On-Campus or Online Degree Pathway Courses

Our innovative approach to education unlocks exciting possibilities for students looking to take advantage of dual enrollment courses for their individualized pathway programs and potentially graduate early from college. Use the table below to curate your educational journey using our dual enrollment courses or opt for one of our recommended pathways.

These degree pathways include essential prerequisites common to most undergraduate program tracks. 参加双注册课程的学生可以加快获得核心内容的速度, 可能节省宝贵的时间和资源, 同时享受个性化的教育体验.

Tall asian male in a dark purple GCU tshirt walks along side two females of mixed ethnicities to listen to them talking


Explore Dual Enrollment Courses

Explore the Dual Enrollment Courses table, GCU双招生项目提供的详细课程清单, 允许学生探索不同的学科和获得大学学分的机会, online and on GCU’s campus in Phoenix.

访问专门在高中提供的课程的详细列表, 单击表格上方图像上的按钮.

Dual enrollment teacher bends down to help a student wearing a head scarf in a row of students using Dell laptops


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High School Dual Enrollment Program FAQs


Program Details and Preparation

对于本科学士学位,你需要总共120个学分. 这相当于大约40个类,但这个数字可能会有所不同. 你需要的学分数量可能会因之前的教育而有所不同, or if you have dual enrollment credits, for example.

这可能取决于双录取学分如何转移到你的高中. Some high schools and their respective districts may apply dual enrollment credits to your high school GPA as equal to high school credits, some may weight your dual enrollment credits and some may not be able to apply dual enrollment credits at all. 请联系你的高中辅导员了解更多细节.

双招生计划可以决定学生对大学课程的要求. 在高中上双招生课程时, 为自己制定严格的学习计划做好准备是很重要的, 一个一致的时间表,并在努力工作. 在高中学习大学课程的同时,平衡课外活动是很困难的, so make sure to dedicate time to your high school and dual enrollment studies along with your personal life.

GCU双招生不需要SAT成绩. 以获得GCU双招生课程的录取资格, 你必须是高中三年级或四年级学生,平均成绩不低于3分.0分,或者是平均绩点不加权只有3分的大二学生.25 or higher. 双注册学生必须满足所有课程的先决条件. Visit our Undergraduate Admissions Requirements page for more information.

Benefits and College Applications

这取决于你对大学及以后的期望. 大学先修课程(AP)是为更严格的课程而设计的, 你可能会在荣誉课程或高级主题的学位中找到什么. AP is an alternative credit that requires you to take a test 5 in order to get the credit for college. Dual enrollment courses are college level and may be great for students who would like to explore college coursework and receive college credit while still in high school. AP和双录取课程都是为了满足大学学分要求而设计的. It is recommended you check with your college of choice to see how AP or dual enrollment courses are applied to your degree program.

Yes. 双注册课程可以让你的大学申请脱颖而出. Dual enrollment courses provide college-level work that is not available at the high school level. 这些额外的工作可能会向学院表明你决心继续深造. As well, online dual enrollment courses can help you earn college credit that you may use to get ahead in your desired degree.

Slender blonde female GCU student stands near a retaining wall tree and a pole with a GCU feather banner


Hispanic young professor with trendy black frames stands with crossed arms in a pale gray suit with students sitting and standing in background

Dual enrollment program instructors deliver content that incorporates best practices in teaching, technology, classroom engagement, ethics and more. GCU and our instructors collaborate to provide academic support and monitor course effectiveness for all high school and homeschooled students.

Dual enrollment faculty are college faculty. 所有教师都必须在内容领域拥有硕士或更高的学位, 或者硕士学位,在内容领域有18个研究生学时(500+).

每门课程的教师资格由GCU各学院制定和批准, and instructors receive ongoing training, support and professional development.

1 Additional books/fees may apply

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